Children’s Ministry Wake up Call: Preparing Ourselves to Reach Tomorrow’s Generation


Children’s Ministry Wake up Call: Preparing Ourselves to Reach Tomorrow’s Generation
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 9781796078060
Item# 078060
Format: Trade Paper
# of pages:102

SKU: 078060 Category:



The warning signs are everywhere: cyberbullying, sex trafficking, and school shootings are on the rise. Our children have matriculated in the digital age. With unprecedented access to information and rapidly developing technology, their views of the church, authority, and God are all shifting. If we ever hope to be successful in reaching the children of tomorrow, we must move beyond the status quo and completely revolutionize our approach, evaluate our methods, and make the investments required to become the church that this generation so desperately needs. In her own authentic voice, Esther invites Children’s Ministry leaders to do just that in her second book, Children’s Ministry Wake Up Call. Esther Moreno has dedicated her life to reaching the next generation for Christ. She has nearly 20 years of Children’s Ministry experience across various churches and denominations. From the U.S. to Uganda, Esther’s passion for moving Children’s Ministry forward has manifested itself in monthly live webinars on social media, virtual trainings for Children’s Ministry departments all over the country, conferences, radio and more. Esther is a gifted speaker, teacher, and author. She holds a Masters from Ashland Theological Seminary with a concentration in Christian Education. She currently attends Life Church Huntsville, Alabama, where she resides with her husband, Guylando, and their two beautiful children, Grace and Gideon. This book is a must read for all children’s ministry leaders and pastors who are serious about reaching the children of this generation. It is packed full of insights and knowledge that will help you to skillfully sharpen your ministry efforts in this era. It’s not just coming from the pen, but from the heart of an experienced and youthfully exuberant children’s pastor with love and passion. So grab your team and get ready to create an effective, ever evolving ministry equipped for generations to come. Larriston Gaynor National Children’s Ministry Director New Testament Church of God, Jamaica

About the Authors:

Esther Moreno



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