Backyard Homesteader: How to Save Water, Keep Bees, Eat from Your Garden, and Live a More Sustainable Life


Absolutely all you need to know to provide you and your family with homegrown food throughout the year.
Learn how to collect and recycle water, compost your leftover scraps, and generate renewable energy for your own home in order to save money and minimize your impact on the environment.



“Y’all are gonna have to pry this book from my cold, dirt-covered hands!”–tinyactivists “Instagram” (4/9/2021 12:00:00 AM)

Biographical Note:

Alison Candlin lives with her family in rural Wiltshire, England, where she tends her own kitchen garden. She is an experienced writer and editor, with credits in numerous cookery and gardening books, including Food from your Garden and Plant it, Grow it, Eat it!

Review Quotes:
“Candlin offers a realist’s take on living off the land in this no-nonsense manual. Candlin doesn’t hold hands or cheerlead, but rather equips readers with solid information devoid of romantic illusions: “The sweat and toil of clearing the land is hard but satisfying work.” Readers thinking about taking the plunge into homesteading will find this to be an excellent resource.”– “Publishers Weekly” (4/5/2021 12:00:00 AM)

Review Quotes:
“So this book is EXACTLY the type of book I’ve been itching to find … Alison has given newbie homesteaders like me valuable information that will help me be more successful in the beginning years. All in all, this book is required reading for all you hippies out there (like me) that want to disappear into the forest and live your best life.”– “The Tiny Activist” (4/21/2021 12:00:00 AM)

Review Quotes:
“Three groups of people might find this book helpful or intriguing: those who have recently purchased a piece of land and want to use it to increase their self-sufficiency in various ways; those who intend to do this in the future; and those who just like reading about other people getting into homesteading. … I have no intention of ever keeping pigs, but still found the descriptions of how to build a pigsty and where to locate it on your property kind of fascinating.”–Erica H. Smith “Washington Gardener” (2/1/2021 12:00:00 AM)

Brief Description:
“Previously published as Country skills: a practical guide to self-sufficiency”–Copyright page.

Review Quotes:
“Absolutely all you need to know to provide you and your family with homegrown food throughout the year.”–William Tomicki “Travel by Entree” (5/10/2021 12:00:00 AM)

Publisher Marketing:

 The essential beginner’s manual on living a greener, healthier, and more self-sufficient lifestyle.

Absolutely all you need to know to provide you and your family with homegrown food throughout the year. Alison Candlin offers easy-to-follow advice on planning, establishing, and maintaining a small-acre farm, an allotment, or a backyard garden. She also includes essential tips for selecting, housing, and looking after chickens, goats, pigs, bees, and other animals. Learn how to collect and recycle water, compost your leftover scraps, and generate renewable energy for your own home in order to save money and minimize your impact on the environment. With step-by-step instructions and more than 350 photographs and charming illustrations, this book is a practical and comprehensive guide to living off the land.

Publisher: Gibbs Smith
Author: Alison Candlin
ISBN: 9781423656784
Format: 1.1″ H x 9.3″ L x 7.8″ W (2.25 lbs)
Pages: 256

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Black, Brown


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